Office Address France

Office Address France, Association France -

You are creating an association in France and looking for a solution for your personnal address to stay confidential ?

You need a stable address for your association to avoid changes everytime a new president is appointed ?

With UBIDOCA, you can :
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  • get a permanent postal address for your association and keep your personal address confidential.
  • get a personal assistance to create your association (registration process, declaration formalities etc.) or for any changes that occur (presidence, activity etc.).

The advantages of this service :
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  • You have a permanent address in France for your association. This includes less formalities in case of any change of presidence or activity.
  • You have an exclusive address for your association. None of the members has to give their personal address to declare the registered office or receive mail.
  • All your mail and parcels are received and treated each day (see our three mail processing methods below); you have more time to devote yourself to your association.

Questions on association status ?
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More informations about creating an association in France.

How much does it cost ?

Service Cost
Registered association address in France 4.17 euros per month + VAT

The first 3 months of subscription are required for a new registration.

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